We’ve made two maps to help you understand how Australia’s postcode system works.
Breaking apart the postcode
This is an adaptation of Ben Fry’s zipdecode using Australian data.
The first number of a postcode usually shows the state or territory, the second number usually shows a region within the state.
Each state’s capital city ends with three zeroes, while territorial capital cities end with two zeroes.
What if the postcodes were connected
Australian postcode system originates from state capitals and zigzags from metro to rural regions. By connecting the postcodes with lines in numerical order, we generated a drawing that shows population density and remoteness.
This idea was first explored by Robert Kosara’s ZIPScribble Map in 2007. We re-created it using updated data and in an interactive format.
i have 1500 or so NSW postcodes from survey completions.
I’d like to see the spread and intensity along the NSW coast to see where they all are and if I have good coverage of the coast.
Do you have suggestions?